Thursday 27 December 2007

In the words of Destiny's Child: Question.

'Ere, are we allowed to post links to mp3s on this blog? Along with the usual "Music posted for evaulation purposes only" disclaimer and links to online shops and that? Or is it something that we ought to just avoid altogether for fear of cease-and-desist letters?

Let's have a heated debate!

Or, instead, let's just gawp at this picture of the 'Child in the underwear they got for Christmas.


fourstar71 said...

Myself and Alex have been discussing this at length (through the medium of sitting-next-to-each-other-at-work...)

Can I check if you mean an embedded Flash player which plays the MP3 on demand (but does not offer* a download option)?? I have taken the plunge and done this on my own blog (example) and I think it is a neat solution. But I'm not sure about a straight hyperlink to the audio file; that's just free redistribution,isn't it?

On the subject of content, I am of the opinion that if it is a short clip to illustrate a point, then that would be OK (fair use?)

Or if it is a rare remix that nobody is likely to stumble across any other way, then that would be OK (free promotion?)

Or if it is accompanied by a post with a definite "hear this amazing thing and then you must go and buy the album" slant, then that would be OK (positive review?).

Of course, I am not a lawyer. So what does anyone else reckon?

* and yes, I know there are ways to find out what the filename is but that involves some amount of wilful investigation on the part of the listener so one could argue that means it is their 'crime'!

fourstar71 said...

Hey, I've only just spotted that picture of Beyonce and her handmaidens!

I am not mad. Sad, maybe.

Joe said...

Yes. I'm just going to look at Destiny's Child as well. It's far easier.

I was thinking of just nicking things and letting people download them, albeit with a link to Amazon and iTunes.

But to be honest, if we can do the embedded Flash player - or even a link to YouTube then we might as well do that and not have to worry about any consequences.

Anyway, just asking. Thanks for that.