Wednesday 5 December 2007

Be kind, unsigned

Going to see unsigned bands is a bit hit and miss but I love it.

My favourite moment was when Nick and I realised that the only people watching the band with us were the lead singers parents at the Bull and Gate.

In some ways the most disapointing moment is when the bands get signed.

Anyway unless I know somebody in one of the bands I always say I am there to see the first band on the running order - at least it gives them something.

Talking of going to gigs of unsigned bands where you know somebody in the line up I'm going to see The Rigmarole tomorrow evening when they/he plays at 3one7 Bar - Finchley Road


Klumzy Tung said...

Another factor with unsogned bands, a bit like any band whether signed or not is everyone has off days and if the pressure of feeling like youre getting older much faster and not really progressing at a rate of Gonzalez then they probably just had an argument about something band related on the way!

That said there are some wicked bands out there it's just a bloody shame we cant close down X Factor coz for a fact there would be pretty much no pop music in the charts today and the kids would listen to musc made by poeple who love making music and therefore generally produce better quality tracks and shows....

More people should see live music in this country, were pretty crap when it comes to getting off the sofa and actually going to pay and watch which supports the artists...

just the way it goes i guess.

fourstar71 said...

so how was the gig?

Alex Andronov said...

ah... I, er... didn't make it...

Mainly because I am a terrible person...

Don Fulgencio was there, maybe he can say?

Klumzy Tung said...

I quote

"More people should see live music in this country, were pretty crap when it comes to getting off the sofa and actually going to pay and watch which supports the artists...

just the way it goes i guess."

Ha ha