Thursday 5 February 2009

What fresh hell is this?

Yes, it's the only woman ever to take herself reeeeeeeally seriously while wearing mouse ears, Annie Lennox, covering an indie sort-of-smash we'd all forgotten about. Jo Whiley - you have a lot to answer for.

Having said that, I'm a bit ashamed to admit that I really, really like it. Despite trying not to, and despite the bass-Annie's Kath from Kath and Kim make-up.

Next week: Alison Moyet covers Car Song. Your suggestions for similar "re-imaginings" in the box below, please.


fourstar71 said...

Oh, so THAT's who it is.

I heard it the other weekend on that smug twat Ball's Radio Two show*, immediately exclaiming (and I quote) "God almighty, who the hell is that, murdering 'Shining Light' by Ash? Aaaaaaargh, my ears..." and ran away to hide in the shed, missing the back anno (if there was one, which I imagine there wasn't).

Jesus suffering fuck, that is utterly, excruciatingly hideous.

* look, my parents were staying, OK?

fourstar71 said...

I've just remembered what it reminds me of.


The versions they are obliged to use when licensing the original music without the vocals would be too expensive.

Annie? Get your gun...

Andy said...

there's also a touch of the "Cliff Christmas song" about it with the naff "shining lights" rising from Annie's paws...perhaps that a good bet for the 09 christmas number one celebrity duet....