Wednesday 4 June 2008

Hold Your Jar

Roll up, roll up, ubiquitous UK summer smash hit on its way:

Hot uber-producer Calvin Harris? Crossover grime star Dizzee Rascal? 80s synth stabs? Cowbells? Mis-spelt word in the title implying a certain amount of street txt msg cred whilst annoying the pedantic grown-ups? Check, check, check, check, CHECK!

Just you even try not to (at the very least) nod your head to that. Rinsin' out of every clapped out beamer from Camberwell to Edmonton...


Alex Andronov said...

The video has a man wearing a purple suit and a purple hat. SOLD!

Joe said...

I *HATE* Calvin Harris so am refusing to listen to it on principle. Oh Dizzee - how COULD you?

Anonymous said...

Hi! I've got a question to You all ;D I'm not from England, and I don't know English slang very well, but I wish I would ;D Could You tell me what "HOLD YOUR JAR" means?
I'd be very grateful ;D